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 Drag&DropDec 07, 2014 20:05 
  The question is: 1.         what's schema of the XML used i...Dec 07, 2014 17:20 
 dhtmlxTree/Grid: Client-side column filteringDec 07, 2014 16:26 
 Changing Combobox (coro) selected itemDec 07, 2014 15:44 
 Does dhtmlxGrid pro have the ability to re-order columns using drag and drop techniques? ...Dec 07, 2014 15:06 
  We would like to display eplises (“,,,”) when a cell is clipping the content.  Can we override beha...Dec 07, 2014 14:43 
  I may have huge combo box data, What I am doing is, when user clicks on that cell, it fires an AJAX call ...Dec 07, 2014 13:13 
 Copying Select/Combo ExCells - How To Copy Option Name instead of Value?Dec 07, 2014 08:40 
 How to prevent pasting when editing a cell and how to make keyboard copying work when grid loadsDec 07, 2014 06:55 
 dhtmlXGrid sort orderDec 07, 2014 06:38 
 I am trying to find a list of all possible values associated with the grid colum types. I’ve noticed that you...Dec 07, 2014 04:40 
 dhtmlxgrid + tree element + paging = sorting does not workDec 07, 2014 04:22 
 Export the Grid to Excel???Dec 07, 2014 03:19 
 Hi, in javascript, I can locate the HTML control/element by using document.getElementById("textboxid"); But how can I use the similiar method like document.getElementById("gridid"); to find the grid specify cell without using the for loop with getRowsNum() and getColumnCount()?Dec 07, 2014 03:09 
 I have a markup page (see analytical.html in the attached  which creates a grid inside each...Dec 07, 2014 02:38 
  What about percentage, such as  .025% . Is there a format for percentage? ...Dec 07, 2014 02:18 
 I need to get a value from the first row of the grid right after the grid has been loaded. But get an error when trying to access cell value: mygrid.loadXML("./data"); var value = mygrid.cells(0,1).getValue(); I am populating the gird from the onload event handler of the page in the following manner: <body onload="doOnLoad();"> The error says the following: Line: 1677 '_childIndexes' is null or not an object It seems to me that the grid is not yet fully initialized at htis moment. Because calling the same getValue() later works fine. However, I need to read the value automatically when the page is being loaded to initialize some other page controls. Is there another way to do this? Regards, Stan. Dec 07, 2014 01:10 
 In your features documentation you mention that dhtmlxTreeGrid has the ability to load data dynamically, but ...Dec 07, 2014 00:09 
 Dynamic content in Grid FooterDec 06, 2014 23:17 
 display comma "," in Grdi HeaderDec 06, 2014 22:39 
 To prevent sorting, due to click in checkbox which is appened in header column we stop event propaganation as you say, something to next var astr="A<input type='checkbox' onclick='(arguments[0]||event).cancelBubble=true; return true; '>"; grid.setHeader(astr); But what if we have to write events on that checkbox,now? Dec 06, 2014 22:17 
  I have seen dhtmlXGrid v.1.2 Professional Edition. And I have tried to implement this DhtmlXGrid  wi...Dec 06, 2014 21:26 
 How can I add a clickable image in one cell (grid). Or add some JavaScripting. What I want is to add a imag...Dec 06, 2014 20:44 
 dhtmlTreeGridDec 06, 2014 20:29