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Question  posted on Feb 22, 2007 10:38
open dhtmlx forum
I am trying to find a list of all possible values associated with the grid colum types. I’ve noticed that you...

I am trying to find a list of all possible values associated with the grid colum types. I’ve noticed that you have some column types in your examples that are not outlined in the documentation. For example: calck and acheck are not listed in the documentation under Usage of Cell Editors (eXcell). How can I get a list of all possible values for the grid ( setColTypes() )   ? 
Answer posted on Feb 22, 2007 10:40

 The core version of grid support next column types:


They all are described in documentation.

Additional to them some extra eXcells are distributed with full component package. Such additional eXcell organized as separate js files dhtmlxGrid_excell_EXCELLNAME.js


"calck" - simple calculator


"calendar" - calendar ( based on Yahoo calendar )


"clist" - list of checkboxes


"link" - active link in grid

There are some more additional eXcell types can be distributed, based on package version ("acheck","mro","ed_text","cntr") - but they have very specific functionality.

Answer posted by sematik (Support) on Dec 07, 2014 04:40

To find more precise comments upon this issue, we can offer you read about javascript combobox selected text and javascript for date picker.