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Question  posted on Feb 27, 2007 19:32
open dhtmlx forum
How can I add a clickable image in one cell (grid). Or add some JavaScripting. What I want is to add a imag...

How can I add a clickable image in one cell (grid). Or add some JavaScripting.
What I want is to add a image with tooltip in one cell and then popup a window when the user clicks on this image.
Answer posted on Feb 27, 2007 19:32

You can create your own eXcell and implement necessary functionality there. For more details please refer to the documentation:">
As an example you can take a look at attached eXcell or experiment with link eXcell included into package you purchased.

Answer posted by Andrei (Support) on Dec 06, 2014 20:44

If you haven't found the needed information there and still looking for a solution, you will find the additional help checking ajax datagrid php and free date picker.