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Export the Grid to Excel??? Hello, I used th free version of dhtmlxGrid and wanted to export the grid to Excel from client and I used the following function to perform and it worked well: <script> function export2excel(){ var jrow = mygrid.getRowsNum(); var jcol = mygrid.getColumnCount()-1; var myhead = "Sales,Book Title,Author,Price,In Store,Shipping,Bestseller,Date of Publication" jhead = new Array(); jhead = myhead.split(',') var xls = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application") xls.visible = true xls.Workbooks.Add row = 0 for (i = 0; i <= jrow; i++){ row++ col=0 if (i>0){ for (j = 0; j <= jcol; j++){ col++ xls.Cells( row, col).Value = mygrid.cells(i,j).getValue(); } } else{ for (j = 0; j <= jcol; j++){ xls.Cells( 1, j+1).Value = jhead [j]; } } } var rng = xls.Columns(String.fromCharCode(65, 58, 65 + jcol)) rng.AutoFit } </script> The problem is I really want to use it as a built-in function so that I don't need to clarify Header, Number of rows, Number of Cols. etc. Anyone can help? Thanks, -Chien Hoang Email: Answer posted on Jul 04, 2007 13:24 Because solution are IE-centric we do not plan to implement such
functionality as part of dhtmlxGrid, but you can fill Excel.Application
from csv string The dhtmlxGrid_nxml.js extension included in latest standard package has next method for grid serialization ( with optional headers ) as CSV string var csv=grid.serializeToCSV(); Answer posted by Chien Hoang on Jul 05, 2007 05:57 Thank you very much. Answer posted by Alexandra (Support) on Dec 07, 2014 03:19 I hope this information will be enough for you. But you also can have a look at data processor data and wordpress calendar of events. |