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 Update my last postDec 06, 2014 14:51 
 Quick question : is there a way to add a link or button to the header (for example to an image in the header...Dec 06, 2014 14:35 
 We have our own AJAX / DB mechanisms in place, and we would like to just load our Javascript XML Dom object directly into the grid. Is there a function that will allow us to do this? I know it will break the dynamical loading ...Dec 06, 2014 14:22 
 dhtmlxgrid scrollbar problemDec 06, 2014 12:20 
 If this is true where do I increase the height of the row?...Dec 06, 2014 10:00 
 Error as execute response.End on a page with masterPage (VS2005)Dec 06, 2014 08:22 
  In terms of the dhtmlxDataProcessor, looks like you only save one record at a time, which might be expensive...Dec 06, 2014 04:52 
 JSFDec 06, 2014 04:18 
 dhtmlxGridDec 06, 2014 02:50 
 dhtmlxgrid print problem. printView() does not print grids with #cspan in the first header line correctly. Try printing samples/grid_complexheader.html. Dec 05, 2014 22:48 
 2 frozen columns in a grid?Dec 05, 2014 21:24 
  How can I use a background image in the main grid that is behind all rows? ...Dec 05, 2014 20:48 
 edTxt Bug or Feature -> not sureDec 05, 2014 17:58 
 selectCell in jsp exampleDec 05, 2014 17:33 
 Populate a grid from inside the html page directly and NOT from a XML fileDec 05, 2014 17:03 
 DHTMLXGrid events Dec 05, 2014 16:48 
 How to resize grid with smart renderingDec 05, 2014 16:22 
 We are using a TreeGrid with a possibly large number of nodes (~2500) under the root node, which we want to load incrementally. When a node is opened, we want to load that node's data dynamically (incrementally, if possible). What is the best way to achieve this? Can we use SmartRendering with TreeGrids or is XMLAutoLoading the only choice? Is it possible to also load the children of a node incrementally when a a node is expanded and the user scrolls down or must all the children's data of a node be provided at the same time? Dec 05, 2014 15:31 
  I would also like to know how to implement commas on your current version.., For example currency for...Dec 05, 2014 15:25 
 I am not able to sort column whose type is 'Calendar', infact nothing happens onclick of column header...Dec 05, 2014 12:06 
 dhtmlxgridDec 05, 2014 10:33 
 Thank you very much for your help before, but now i need you again. I am using the dhtmlXGridFromTable function. First i create a html table by javascript with giving special rows colors with css classes. After the dhtmlXGridFromTable function all is fine, but when i then make a addRow(...) all colors of all rows are gone. I am using IE7. Can you help me again please, thank you very much.Dec 05, 2014 09:21 
 How do I change the image associated with a cell in a row of the tree ?...Dec 05, 2014 08:50 
 Can you tell me if the dhtmlXTreeGrid supports dynamic loading?  The scenario I have in mind is that all...Dec 05, 2014 07:45