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  I need to be able to load the XML definition for the menu tree structure from a serve side.  Basica...Dec 07, 2014 11:07 
  I have a page with 2 dynamic trees (the XML is pulled dynamically from a database using a PHP file - tre...Dec 06, 2014 21:44 
 Adding NodesDec 06, 2014 19:33 
  We are having some performance issue with the tree. It seems very slow to have the tree structure render...Dec 06, 2014 18:23 
  I've a problem when I want to use a context menu with IE6. When I add this single line in my code, ...Dec 06, 2014 14:53 
  Also, if the user wants to add an element to the hierarchy, can I integrate with your system to call up ...Dec 06, 2014 01:11 
 Does the search feature work with the AJAX examples? ...Dec 05, 2014 22:20 
  you give an example of an event handler in order when you click on a node to go to a link  tr...Dec 05, 2014 19:35 
 Is there a way to remove some of the images on the tree, such as the dot line between the + and -, as well as...Dec 05, 2014 16:10 
 Is there a way to reset the Tree without loading a blank xml file?...Dec 05, 2014 15:40 
  I have a tree with about 50,000 nodes and would like to use AJAX process to load the data. What would ...Dec 05, 2014 14:10 
 I would like to set up an icon (trashCan) and drag dhtmlXTree items to the icon and delete the item. Is it po...Dec 05, 2014 10:56 
 The search feature seems like it works on fully loaded browsers, is there an example/sample for me to go loo...Dec 05, 2014 10:47 
  I am currently using the professional version of dhtmlXTree.  I am having a problem with the tr...Dec 05, 2014 08:05 
 dhtmlxTreeDec 04, 2014 23:09 
 To save space when any sub-level element is selected, I would like to collapse all other elements on the sam...Dec 04, 2014 22:47 
 When serializing the tree I want the information about locked items to be included. Is there a way to do that...Dec 04, 2014 21:52 
 How can I control the vertical space between entries? ...Dec 04, 2014 20:37 
 Is there a way to list the selected items? I know the method for listing the checked boxes. ...Dec 04, 2014 18:59 
  Using a tree with three state checkboxes enabled, when one clicks on a parent node with a check box, and ...Dec 04, 2014 16:55 
 I would to know if it is possible to to get parentId of a item in a locked tree (dhtmlxTree). When I try to o...Dec 04, 2014 16:31 
 Is there a possible way where we can get the output from the tree as an XML string where only the root, 'che...Dec 04, 2014 11:28 
 Is it possible to make 2 columns in the same grid as treeDec 04, 2014 06:34 
  Also, on a certain level of the hierarchy, how would the users reorder peer items on the same level (und...Dec 04, 2014 02:34