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Using a tree with three state checkboxes enabled, when one clicks on a parent
node with a check box, and ... Using a tree with three state checkboxes enabled, when one clicks on a parent node with a check box, and it's child nodes are automatically checked, the onCheckHandler event does not get called for the nodes that automatically get checked. The node check handler only gets called when the user physically checks a node. Is this intended functionality, or is it a bug?Answer posted on Feb 13, 2007 15:31 This
is a correct behaviour. The changing of checkbox state, caused by changing
state of parent/child item, doesn't fire onCheck event. It was done in such way
to prevent plural calls, which can be a serious performance problem for big
trees. Answer posted by sematik (Support) on Dec 04, 2014 16:55 If you haven't found the needed information there and still looking for a solution, you will find the additional help checking datagrid demo and scheduler calendar free. |