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 How can I control the indent space?  My entries can be quite long, and I would like to minimize the spa...Dec 09, 2014 03:17 
  I am trying to load some items in my tree which is dynamically loaded from the servlet. I am calli...Dec 09, 2014 01:07 
 DHTMLX TREE GRID Dec 08, 2014 23:37 
 We are evaluating dhtmlTree component. Could you let me know whether you have any server side components to g...Dec 08, 2014 23:35 
 Is there a way to remove some of the images on the tree, such as the dot line between the + and -, as well as...Dec 08, 2014 23:12 
  I want to hide checkboxes for some items. After installed the prof edition of the dhtmlxtr...Dec 08, 2014 22:27 
 dhtmlxtreeDec 08, 2014 21:01 
  I am trying to get the dynamic update to work and have been through your docs but am still not sure what ...Dec 08, 2014 17:52 
  Do you have samples of working with database ( Perl/MySQL)? ...Dec 08, 2014 15:53 
 Is it possible to retreive the label of the selected Item in the contextMenu like dhtmlXtree.getItemText(ite...Dec 08, 2014 14:47 
  I want to use the contextmenu on the tree leaves which use the dhtmlxtree technologies .But it can not w...Dec 08, 2014 12:33 
  Is there a way to specify in the xml file that a item can or can not have children ? ...Dec 08, 2014 10:24 
 How can I remove an item from the menu without actually deleting it?   Just like closing a folder, I wou...Dec 08, 2014 09:01 
 Does the tree support UTF-8 encoding?  The reason I ask is because my project requires storing Chinese c...Dec 08, 2014 05:07 
 DhtmlTree Grid How can i add new row into a Tree Grid while loading the JSP page, not using loadXML method. Can i add row to a Tree Grid using addRow() method when loading a JSP pageDec 08, 2014 03:48 
 I wanted to have a little space between items in the 2nd category and the next first category.  Say, if ...Dec 08, 2014 03:33 
 Is there any way to display “busy” or “loading” or “please wait” status – while a large number of children a...Dec 08, 2014 00:36 
 I am dynamically creating a tree and adding nodes with script.  When the tree loads I only load the fir...Dec 08, 2014 00:21 
 How can I make all entries of the first level (Arts & Music, Business & Finance, Cars, ...) bold and...Dec 07, 2014 18:29 
 How to ensure only numbers can be keyed in to a edit type field of a grid Dec 07, 2014 18:13 
 Do you have benchmarking done for the performance on tree loads? (We might have at least 5000 nodes when exp...Dec 07, 2014 17:17 
 could you tell me if it is possible to stop a tree node from being removed after it is dragged to another tre...Dec 07, 2014 16:37 
 How to make Cell editable on Single Click I dont want to use enablelightmouse navigation as it is too flimsy and sensitive and when i right click for the context menu to get invoked the control goes somewhere Dec 07, 2014 16:11 
 How do we load the tree from calling a Ajax action?...Dec 07, 2014 12:34