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Question  posted by Alejandro on Aug 04, 2009 07:57
open dhtmlx forum
Adding footer Rows with XML

I want to load the grid definition whit XML, and I want to put a footer on the columns id "totalprice", "CV" and "itemqty", but I can't because when I put any definition in the XML (in the param from the attachFooter), the footer is scrolling down every time. I try whit many param combination in the attachFooter, but every definition has the same result or I have a javascript error. I want to sum the result in the header. My XML is like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <call command="attachFooter">

<column width="*" type="ed" align="left" sort="str" id="itemcode">$itemcodelbl</column>
<column width="*" type="ro" align="left" sort="str" id="itemdescription">$itemdescriptionlbl</column>
<column width="*" type="ro" align="left" sort="str" id="price">$priceelbl</column>
<column width="*" type="ro" align="left" sort="str" id="stock">$onstocklbl</column>
<column width="*" type="ed" align="left" sort="str" id="itemqty">$qty</column>
<column width="*" type="ro" align="left" sort="str" id="cv">$pvlbl</column>
<column width="*" type="ro" align="left" sort="str" id="totalprice">$totalpricelbl</column>

<row id="new">

and I use dhtmlxGrid_v20_pro_81009.

And, how I change the label "Total Quantity" from the footer, (I need change this label in many language, then I need put this definition from the XML)
Answer posted by dhxSupport on Aug 06, 2009 01:37
>>but I can't because when I put any definition in the XML (in the param from the attachFooter), the footer is scrolling down every time
Footer allways appears under the grid container, not under grid header or somewhere else
>>I try whit many param combination in the attachFooter, but every definition has the same result or I have a javascript error
Could you please provide more information what java script error do you have?
>>I want to sum the result in the header. My XML is like this.
If you need sum resul in the header, you can put #stat_total like the necessary column label or attach new header to the grid with attachHeader method. 
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