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Question  posted on May 28, 2007 11:46
open dhtmlx forum
Grid table is coming based on responseXML object in Mozilla Firefox

Hi support,

Thanks for your initial reply about my query about not getting the grid table using responseXML object. Actually I was troubleshooting the thing using Mozilla Firefox and in Firefox it is still not working but in IE it is working correctly, I mean the grid table is rendering without any problem. In Firefox the problem is it is not showing any problem (Iam using firebug to debug it) :(

I am stuck. My XML format is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<table id='EE123'>
        <column width="60" type="ed" align="center" color="#d5f1ff" sort="str">ID</column>
        <column width="270" type="txt" align="left" color="#d5f1ff" sort="str">Summary</column>
        <column width="70" type="edtxt" align="center" color="#d5f1ff" sort="str">Opened</column>
        <column width="70" type="edtxt" align="center" sort="str">Closed</column>

        <column width="100" type="co" align="center" sort="str">Status
            <option value="1">In Progress</option>
            <option value="2">Put On Hold</option>
            <option value="3">Not Yet Started</option>
            <option value="4">Done</option>
            <option value="5">-</option>

        <column width="75" type="co" align="center" sort="str">Priority
            <option value="1">Normal</option>
            <option value="2">Low</option>
            <option value="3">High</option>
        <column width="110" type="ed" align="center" sort="str">AssignedTo</column>
        <column width="110" type="ed" align="center" sort="str">SubmittedBy</column>

     <row id="1">
        <cell>Bugs on test01</cell>

     <row id="2">
        <cell>Bugs on test02</cell>

     <row id="3">
        <cell> test02 on device xxxxx</cell>


     <row id="4">
        <cell>Bugs on test01</cell>

     <row id="5">
        <cell>Bugs on test01</cell>



Answer posted on May 28, 2007 13:51
FF is more strict to document structure than IE
Please be sure that
    - there is no whitespaces before <?xml declaration
    - the top XML tag is <rows> ( not a <table as in your XML )
Answer posted by Nadine (Support) on Dec 03, 2014 12:17

Having solved the problem mentioned above, you may also look through the possible related problems with tab javascript and javascript page slider.