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Invalid Argument I used the 2 pre-comoiled files from and placed them in codebase. Here is the code I created from the dhtmlxGrid step-by-step guide by cut-n-paste into a file. i still get the error "Line 1444 , Character 7381, Invalid Argument" I do get the blue boxes on the page, but nothing else. Can you send me the complete file for this example? <html> <head> <title>AJAX Application</title> <script src="codebase/dhtmlx.js"></script> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="codebase/dhtmlx.css"> </head> <script> var myLayout, myTree, myGrid, myFolders, myMenu, myToolbar var gl_view_type = "icons"; //icons,dlist,tiles ... var gl_view_bg = ""; //which component is used for directory content view - grid or folders, empty from start function doOnLoad(){ myLayoutTop = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "2U"); myLayoutIns = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(myLayoutTop.cells("a"), "2U"); myLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "2U", "dhx_black"); myLayout.cells("a").setText("Folders"); myLayout.cells("b").hideHeader(); myMenu = myLayout.attachMenu(); myMenu.setImagePath("codebase/imgs/dhx_blue"); myMenu.loadXML("xml/fileExplorerMenu.xml"); myToolbar = myLayout.attachToolbar(); myToolbar.setIconPath("images/toolbar/"); myToolbar.loadXML("xml/fileExplorerToolbar.xml"); myTree = myLayout.cells("a").attachTree("0"); myTree.setImagePath("codebase/imgs/"); myTree.setXMLAutoLoading("xml/directoryTree.php"); myTree.loadXML("xml/directoryTree.php"); } function showOtherViews(dir){ //create Folders in layout myFolders = myLayout.cells("b").attachFolders(); //confugure settings myFolders.enableSelection(true); myFolders.setItemTagName("row"); //change type of items depending on required if(gl_view_type=="icons"){ myFolders.setItemType("js_generic",rendFuncIcons); myFolders.setCSSBaseName("ficon"); }else if(gl_view_type=="tiles"){ myFolders.setItemType("js_generic",rendFuncTiles); myFolders.setCSSBaseName("ftiles"); } myFolders.loadXML("xml/directoryContent.php?dir="+dir); } function showDirContent(dir){ if(gl_view_type=="dlist"){ showDList(dir); }else{ showOtherViews(dir); } } </script> <body onload="doOnLoad()" style="width:100%; height:100%; margin:0px; overflow:hidden;"> </body> </html> Answer posted by Alex (support) on Aug 18, 2009 02:38 There is the issue in your code. Why do you call "new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body.." twice ? The dhtmlx.css from contains classes only for dhx_blue skin. So, please use dhx_blue skin instead of dhx_black /*myLayoutTop = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "2U"); myLayoutIns = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(myLayoutTop.cells("a"), "2U"); */ |