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Column resizing in dhtmlxGrid Hi, First of all what I'm using: xajax php dhtmlxGrid - Free edition IIS 7 IE 7 Vista When I create a grid from an HTML table and specify the sizes of the columns (so that the total size is smaller than that of the grid) the headers don't match up with the rest of the table unless I resize the columns to be 100% size of the grid. I wanted them smaller to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar and because the grid is all centred to removed excess white space in all the cells. Here's the HTML I'm using <TABLE id='resultsTbl' name='resultsTbl' gridWidth='auto' gridHeight='495px' evenrow='even' unevenrow='uneven'> <tr> <td width='250'>Name</td> <td width='100'>Version</td> <td width='100'>Size</td> </tr> <tr><td>.......</td></tr></table> Then the javascript I'm running is: mygrid = new dhtmlXGridFromTable("resultsTbl"); mygrid.setImagePath("grid/imgs/"); mygrid.setColTypes("ed,ed,ed"); mygrid.setColSorting("str,str,int") mygrid.enableLightMouseNavigation(true); mygrid.enableKeyboardSupport(true); mygrid.setOnEditCellHandler(Details); (This is created and run dynamically using xajax) I'm using the XP skin. (It happens to a lesser extent on the normal skin too) Hope someone can help. Answer posted by Andrei (Support) on Dec 04, 2014 22:15 Not much can be said in addition to the reply above, but you also can check rails datagrid and json object format and find out what we have probably missed in our explanation. |