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Question  posted by bonjo on May 28, 2007 05:50
open dhtmlx forum
DhtmlxGrid 1.2 problems when launched in .hta


The title says it all. When dhtmlxgird is launched as a normal web page it doesn't have any problems but when I try to launch the same site within an .hta file at run time - an error is displayed. It says " Line: 624 Error: Invalid Argument". I can't seem to go to this line within the .hta using the microsoft script debugger so I wasn't able to pinpoint the problem.

Hope anyone can help.

Answer posted on May 28, 2007 10:46
Unfortunately I can't reconstruct the same problem locally.
Please try to use attached dhtmlxCommon.js instead one included in dhtmlxGrid 1.2 package

If problem still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample, where problem can be reconstructed.
Attachments (1)
Answer posted by Nadine (Support) on Dec 05, 2014 11:13

Having solved the problem mentioned above, you may also look through the possible related problems with schedule calendar and html5 mobile framework.