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Question  posted on Mar 05, 2007 09:47
open dhtmlx forum
I want to configure the dhtmlXGrid so there is no row selection behavior - ie no visible "row level" r...

I want to configure the dhtmlXGrid so there is no row selection behavior - ie no visible "row level" response to clicking in a cell. In this particular grid the concept of selecting a row is meaningless – only cell selection matters.

I don't see a configuration option for this - am I missing it?
Answer posted on Mar 05, 2007 09:47
dhtmlxGrid will track selected row in any case, for its own inner purposes, so there is no "disable row selection" functionality. But you can just eliminate, or redefine "div.gridbox table.obj tr.rowselected td"css class (located in dhtmlxgrid.css) - this class define a different look of selected row.
Answer posted by Stanislav (Support) on Dec 04, 2014 20:09

Not much can be said in addition to the reply above, but you also can check editable combo box and scheduling calendars free and find out what we have probably missed in our explanation.