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Question  posted by rencin on Oct 22, 2009 05:24
open dhtmlx forum
Incorrect XML error in htmlx scheduler

i have implemented sample dhtmlx scheduler in java with mysql database connection .But when the page load events are not loaded from the database.Instead it show an error message : "Error Type :Load XML Description :Incorrect XML"

        var t=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(true);

        return t;
        var t=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(true);
return t;
        return this.get(url,null,true)

* @desc: xmlLoader object
* @type: private
* @param: funcObject - xml parser function
* @param: object - jsControl object
* @param: async - sync/async mode (async by default)
* @param: rSeed - enable/disable random seed ( prevent IE caching)
* @topic: 0
function dtmlXMLLoaderObject(funcObject, dhtmlObject, async, rSeed){

    if (typeof (async) != "undefined")

    return this;
* @desc: xml loading handler
* @type: private
* @param: dtmlObject - xmlLoader object
* @topic: 0
    var once = true;
    this.check=function (){
        if ((dhtmlObject)&&(dhtmlObject.onloadAction != null)){
            if ((!dhtmlObject.xmlDoc.readyState)||(dhtmlObject.xmlDoc.readyState == 4)){
                if (!once)

                once=false; //IE 5 fix
                if (typeof dhtmlObject.onloadAction == "function")
                    dhtmlObject.onloadAction(dhtmlObject.mainObject, null, null, null, dhtmlObject);

                if (dhtmlObject.waitCall){
    return this.check;

* @desc: return XML top node
* @param: tagName - top XML node tag name (not used in IE, required for Safari and Mozilla)
* @type: private
* @returns: top XML node
* @topic: 0
dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.getXMLTopNode=function(tagName, oldObj){
    if (this.xmlDoc.responseXML){
        var temp = this.xmlDoc.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
        if(temp.length==0 && tagName.indexOf(":")!=-1)
            var temp = this.xmlDoc.responseXML.getElementsByTagName((tagName.split(":"))[1]);
        var z = temp[0];
    } else
        var z = this.xmlDoc.documentElement;

    if (z){
        return z;

    if ((_isIE)&&(!this._retry)){
        //fall back to MS.XMLDOM
        var xmlString = this.xmlDoc.responseText;
        var oldObj = this.xmlDoc;
        this.xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
        return this.getXMLTopNode(tagName, oldObj);
    dhtmlxError.throwError("LoadXML", "Incorrect XML", [

    return document.createElement("DIV");

* @desc: load XML from string
* @type: private
* @param: xmlString - xml string
* @topic: 0
            var parser = new DOMParser();
            this.xmlDoc=parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");
        catch (e){
            this.xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");

    this.onloadAction(this.mainObject, null, null, null, this);

    if (this.waitCall){
* @desc: load XML
* @type: private
* @param: filePath - xml file path
* @param: postMode - send POST request
* @param: postVars - list of vars for post request
* @topic: 0
dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.loadXML=function(filePath, postMode, postVars, rpc){

    if (this.rSeed)
        filePath+=((filePath.indexOf("?") != -1) ? "&" : "?")+"a_dhx_rSeed="+(new Date()).valueOf();

    if ((!_isIE)&&(window.XMLHttpRequest))
        this.xmlDoc=new XMLHttpRequest();
    else {
        if (document.implementation&&document.implementation.createDocument){
            this.xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
            this.xmlDoc.onload=new this.waitLoadFunction(this);
        } else
            this.xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

    if (this.async)
        this.xmlDoc.onreadystatechange=new this.waitLoadFunction(this); ? "POST" : "GET", filePath, this.async);

    if (rpc){
        this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", "dhtmlxRPC v0.1 ("+navigator.userAgent+")");
        this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml");

    else if (postMode)
        this.xmlDoc.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

    if (!this.async)
        (new this.waitLoadFunction(this))();
* @desc: destructor, cleans used memory
* @type: private
* @topic: 0
    return null;

dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.xmlNodeToJSON = function(node){
var t={};
for (var i=0; i<node.attributes.length; i++)
for (var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; i++){
var name=node.childNodes[i].tagName;
if (name){
if (!t[name]) t[name]=[];
return t;

* @desc: Call wrapper
* @type: private
* @param: funcObject - action handler
* @param: dhtmlObject - user data
* @returns: function handler
* @topic: 0
function callerFunction(funcObject, dhtmlObject){
        if (!e)
        funcObject(e, dhtmlObject);
        return true;
    return this.handler;

* @desc: Calculate absolute position of html object
* @type: private
* @param: htmlObject - html object
* @topic: 0
function getAbsoluteLeft(htmlObject){
    var xPos = htmlObject.offsetLeft;
    var temp = htmlObject.offsetParent;

    while (temp != null){
    return xPos;
* @desc: Calculate absolute position of html object
* @type: private
* @param: htmlObject - html object
* @topic: 0
function getAbsoluteTop(htmlObject){
    var yPos = htmlObject.offsetTop;
    var temp = htmlObject.offsetParent;

    while (temp != null){
    return yPos;

* @desc: Convert string to it boolean representation
* @type: private
* @param: inputString - string for covertion
* @topic: 0
function convertStringToBoolean(inputString){
    if (typeof (inputString) == "string")

    switch (inputString){
        case "1":
        case "true":
        case "yes":
        case "y":
        case 1:
        case true:
            return true;

        default: return false;

* @desc: find out what symbol to use as url param delimiters in further params
* @type: private
* @param: str - current url string
* @topic: 0
function getUrlSymbol(str){
    if (str.indexOf("?") != -1)
        return "&"
        return "?"

function dhtmlDragAndDropObject(){
    if (window.dhtmlDragAndDrop)
        return window.dhtmlDragAndDrop;


    return this;

dhtmlDragAndDropObject.prototype.addDraggableItem=function(htmlNode, dhtmlObject){
    this.addDragLanding(htmlNode, dhtmlObject);
dhtmlDragAndDropObject.prototype.addDragLanding=function(htmlNode, dhtmlObject){
    if (e&&(e||event).button == 2)

    if (window.dhtmlDragAndDrop.waitDrag){
        return false;


    if ((e)&&(e.preventDefault)){
        return false;
    return false;
    if (!e)

    if ((e.button == 0)&&(_isIE))
        return dragger.stopDrag();

    if (!dragger.dragNode&&dragger.waitDrag){
        dragger.dragNode=dragger.dragStartObject._createDragNode(dragger.dragStartNode, e);

        if (!dragger.dragNode)
            return dragger.stopDrag();

        dragger.dragNode.onselectstart=function(){return false;}

    if (dragger.dragNode.parentNode != window.document.body){
        var grd = dragger.gldragNode;

        if (dragger.gldragNode.old)

        //if (!document.all) dragger.calculateFramePosition();
        var oldBody = dragger.dragNode.pWindow;

        //        var oldp=dragger.dragNode.parentObject;
        if (_isIE){
            var div = document.createElement("Div");
        } else

        //        dragger.dragNode.parentObject=oldp;

        ? dragger.fx*(-1)
        : 0)
        ? dragger.fy*(-1)
        : 0)

    if (!e.srcElement)
        var z =;
    dragger.checkLanding(z, e);

    //this.fx = 0, this.fy = 0;
    if ({
        var el = parent.frames[].frameElement.offsetParent;
        var fx = 0;
        var fy = 0;

        while (el){

        if ((parent.dhtmlDragAndDrop)){
            var ls = parent.dhtmlDragAndDrop.calculateFramePosition(1);

        if (n)
            return fx+"_"+fy;
    return "0_0";
dhtmlDragAndDropObject.prototype.checkLanding=function(htmlObject, e){
    if ((htmlObject)&&(htmlObject.dragLanding)){
        if (this.lastLanding)
        this.lastLanding=this.lastLanding.dragLanding._dragIn(this.lastLanding, this.dragStartNode, e.clientX,
            e.clientY, e);
        this.lastLanding_scr=(_isIE ? e.srcElement :;
    } else {
        if ((htmlObject)&&(htmlObject.tagName != "BODY"))
            this.checkLanding(htmlObject.parentNode, e);
        else {
            if (this.lastLanding)
                this.lastLanding.dragLanding._dragOut(this.lastLanding, e.clientX, e.clientY, e);

            if (this._onNotFound)
dhtmlDragAndDropObject.prototype.stopDrag=function(e, mode){

    if (!mode){
        var temp = dragger.lastLanding;

        if (temp)
            temp.dragLanding._drag(dragger.dragStartNode, dragger.dragStartObject, temp, (_isIE
                ? event.srcElement

    if ((dragger.dragNode)&&(dragger.dragNode.parentNode == document.body))

    if (win)
        window.dhtmlDragAndDrop.stopDrag(1, 1);

    for (var i = 0; i < window.frames.length; i++)
        if ((window.frames[i] != win)&&(window.frames[i].dhtmlDragAndDrop))

    if ((parent.dhtmlDragAndDrop)&&(parent != window)&&(parent != win))
dhtmlDragAndDropObject.prototype.initFrameRoute=function(win, mode){
    if (win){

        if (((!_isIE)&&(mode))&&((!_isFF)||(_FFrv < 1.8)))

    if ((parent.dhtmlDragAndDrop)&&(parent != window)&&(parent != win))

    for (var i = 0; i < window.frames.length; i++)
        if ((window.frames[i] != win)&&(window.frames[i].dhtmlDragAndDrop))
            window.frames[i].dhtmlDragAndDrop.initFrameRoute(window, ((!win||mode) ? 1 : 0));

var _isFF = false;
var _isIE = false;
var _isOpera = false;
var _isKHTML = false;
var _isMacOS = false;

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') != -1)

if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1)||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Konqueror') != -1)){
    var _KHTMLrv = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari')+7, 5));

    if (_KHTMLrv > 525){ //mimic FF behavior for Safari 3.1+
        var _FFrv = 1.9;
    } else
} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1){
    _OperaRv=parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')+6, 3));

else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1){
    if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 8.0")!= -1 && document.compatMode != "BackCompat") _isIE=8;
} else {
    var _FFrv = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("rv:")[1])

//multibrowser Xpath processor
dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXPath=function(xpathExp, docObj, namespace, result_type){
    if ((_isKHTML))
        return this.doXPathOpera(xpathExp, docObj);

    if (_isIE){ //IE
        if (!docObj)
            if (!this.xmlDoc.nodeName)

        if (!docObj)
            dhtmlxError.throwError("LoadXML", "Incorrect XML", [

        if (namespace != null)
            docObj.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:xsl='"+namespace+"'"); //

        if (result_type == 'single'){
            return docObj.selectSingleNode(xpathExp);
        else {
            return docObj.selectNodes(xpathExp)||new Array(0);
    } else { //Mozilla
        var nodeObj = docObj;

        if (!docObj){
            if (!this.xmlDoc.nodeName){
            else {

        if (!docObj)
            dhtmlxError.throwError("LoadXML", "Incorrect XML", [

        if (docObj.nodeName.indexOf("document") != -1){
        else {
        var retType = XPathResult.ANY_TYPE;

        if (result_type == 'single')
        var rowsCol = new Array();
        var col = docObj.evaluate(xpathExp, nodeObj, function(pref){
            return namespace
        }, retType, null);

        if (retType == XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE){
            return col.singleNodeValue;
        var thisColMemb = col.iterateNext();

        while (thisColMemb){
        return rowsCol;

function _dhtmlxError(type, name, params){
    if (!this.catches)
        this.catches=new Array();

    return this;

_dhtmlxError.prototype.catchError=function(type, func_name){
_dhtmlxError.prototype.throwError=function(type, name, params){
    if (this.catches[type])
        return this.catches[type](type, name, params);

    if (this.catches["ALL"])
        return this.catches["ALL"](type, name, params);

    alert("Error type: "+arguments[0]+"\nDescription: "+arguments[1]);
    return null;

window.dhtmlxError=new _dhtmlxError();

//opera fake, while 9.0 not released
//multibrowser Xpath processor
dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXPathOpera=function(xpathExp, docObj){
    //this is fake for Opera
    var z = xpathExp.replace(/[\/]+/gi, "/").split('/');
    var obj = null;
    var i = 1;

    if (!z.length)
        return [];

    if (z[0] == ".")
        obj=[docObj]; else if (z[0] == ""){
        obj=(this.xmlDoc.responseXML||this.xmlDoc).getElementsByTagName(z[i].replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/g, ""));
    } else
        return [];

    for (i; i < z.length; i++)obj=this._getAllNamedChilds(obj, z[i]);

    if (z[i-1].indexOf("[") != -1)
        obj=this._filterXPath(obj, z[i-1]);
    return obj;

dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype._filterXPath=function(a, b){
    var c = new Array();
    var b = b.replace(/[^\[]*\[\@/g, "").replace(/[\[\]\@]*/g, "");

    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
        if (a[i].getAttribute(b))

    return c;
dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype._getAllNamedChilds=function(a, b){
    var c = new Array();

    if (_isKHTML)

    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)for (var j = 0; j < a[i].childNodes.length; j++){
        if (_isKHTML){
            if (a[i].childNodes[j].tagName&&a[i].childNodes[j].tagName.toUpperCase() == b)

        else if (a[i].childNodes[j].tagName == b)

    return c;

function dhtmlXHeir(a, b){
    for (var c in b)
        if (typeof (b[c]) == "function")
    return a;

function dhtmlxEvent(el, event, handler){
    if (el.addEventListener)
        el.addEventListener(event, handler, false);

    else if (el.attachEvent)
        el.attachEvent("on"+event, handler);

//============= XSL Extension ===================================

dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.setXSLParamValue=function(paramName, paramValue, xslDoc){
    if (!xslDoc)

    if (xslDoc.responseXML)
    var item =
        this.doXPath("/xsl:stylesheet/xsl:variable[@name='"+paramName+"']", xslDoc,
            "http:/\/", "single");

    if (item != null)
dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXSLTransToObject=function(xslDoc, xmlDoc){
    if (!xslDoc)

    if (xslDoc.responseXML)

    if (!xmlDoc)

    if (xmlDoc.responseXML)

    if (!_isIE){
        if (!this.XSLProcessor){
            this.XSLProcessor=new XSLTProcessor();
        var result = this.XSLProcessor.transformToDocument(xmlDoc);
    } else {
        var result = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
            xmlDoc.transformNodeToObject(xslDoc, result);
            result = xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc);
    return result;

dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.doXSLTransToString=function(xslDoc, xmlDoc){
    var res = this.doXSLTransToObject(xslDoc, xmlDoc);
        return res;
    return this.doSerialization(res);

    if (!xmlDoc)
    if (xmlDoc.responseXML)
    if (!_isIE){
        var xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
        return xmlSerializer.serializeToString(xmlDoc);
    } else
        return xmlDoc.xml;

* @desc:
* @type: private
        obj.attachEvent=function(name, catcher, callObj){
            if (!this[name])
                this[name]=new this.eventCatcher(callObj||this);
            return(name+':'+this[name].addEvent(catcher)); //return ID (event name & event ID)
        obj.callEvent=function(name, arg0){
            if (this[name])
                return this[name].apply(this, arg0);
            return true;
            return (!!this['ev_'+name.toLowerCase()])
            var dhx_catch = [];
            var z = function(){
                var res = true;
                for (var i = 0; i < dhx_catch.length; i++){
                    if (dhx_catch[i] != null){
                        var zr = dhx_catch[i].apply(obj, arguments);
                return res;
                if (typeof (ev) != "function")
                if (ev)
                    return dhx_catch.push(ev)-1;
                return false;
            return z;
            if (id != false){
                var list = id.split(':'); //get EventName and ID
                this[list[0]].removeEvent(list[1]); //remove event

    *     @desc: constructor, data processor object
    *    @param: serverProcessorURL - url used for update
    *    @type: public
function dataProcessor(serverProcessorURL){
this.serverProcessor = serverProcessorURL;

    this.obj = null;
    this.updatedRows = []; //ids of updated rows
    this.autoUpdate = true;
    this.updateMode = "cell";

    deleted:"text-decoration : line-through;",
    invalid_cell:"border-bottom:2px solid red;",


return this;

    *     @desc: select GET or POST transaction model
    *    @param: mode - GET/POST
    *    @param: total - true/false - send records row by row or all at once (for grid only)
    *    @type: public
    if (this._utf)
        return encodeURIComponent(data);
    return escape(data);
    *     @desc: allows to set escaping mode
    *    @param: true - utf based escaping, simple - use current page encoding
    *    @type: public
    *     @desc: allows to define, which column may trigger update
    *    @param: val - array or list of true/false values
    *    @type: public
        this._columns=(typeof val == "string")?val.split(","):val;
    *     @desc: get state of updating
    *    @returns: true - all in sync with server, false - some items not updated yet.
    *    @type: public
        return !this.updatedRows.length;
    *     @desc: enable/disable named field for data syncing, will use column ids for grid
    *    @param: mode - true/false
    *    @type: public
    *     @desc: enable/disable mode , when only changed fields and row id send to the server side, instead of all fields in default mode
    *    @param: mode - true/false
    *    @type: public
    *     @desc: set if rows should be send to server automaticaly
    *    @param: mode - "row" - based on row selection changed, "cell" - based on cell editing finished, "off" - manual data sending
    *    @type: public
        this.autoUpdate = (mode=="cell");
        this.updateMode = mode;
    *     @desc: mark row as updated/normal. check mandatory fields,initiate autoupdate (if turned on)
    *    @param: rowId - id of row to set update-status for
    *    @param: state - true for "updated", false for "not updated"
    *    @param: mode - update mode name
    *    @type: public
        var ind=this.findRow(rowId);
        var existing = this.obj.getUserData(rowId,this.action_param);
        if (existing && mode == "updated") mode=existing;
        if (state){
            this.set_invalid(rowId,false); //clear previous error flag
        } else{
            if (!this.is_invalid(rowId)){

        //clear changed flag
        if (!state)
        if (state && this.autoUpdate) this.sendData(rowId);
        if (this.obj.mytype!="tree"){
    var row=this.obj.getRowById(rowId);
if (row)
         for (var j=0; j<this.obj._cCount; j++)
        this.obj.cells(rowId,j).cell.wasChanged=false;    //using cells because of split
        var str="";
        var invalid=this.is_invalid(id)
        if (invalid){
        if (this.callEvent("onRowMark",[id,state,mode,invalid])){
            //default logic
            if (state)

            if (invalid && invalid.details){
                for (var i=0; i < invalid.details.length; i++)
                    if (invalid.details[i])
        return this.obj.getUserData(id,this.action_param);
        return this._invalid[id];
        if (details) mode={value:mode, details:details, toString:function(){ return this.value.toString(); }}
    *     @desc: check mandatory fields and varify values of cells, initiate update (if specified)
    *    @param: rowId - id of row to set update-status for
    *    @type: public
        var valid=true; var c_invalid=[];
        for (var i=0; i<this.obj._cCount; i++)
            if (this.mandatoryFields[i]){
                var res=this.mandatoryFields[i](this.obj.cells(rowId,i).getValue(),rowId,i);
                if (typeof res == "string")
                else {
        if (!valid){
        return valid;
    *     @desc: send row(s) values to server
    *    @param: rowId - id of row which data to send. If not specified, then all "updated" rows will be send
    *    @type: public
        if (this._waitMode && (this.obj.mytype=="tree" || this.obj._h2)) return;
        if (this.obj.editStop) this.obj.editStop();
        if (this.obj.linked_form) this.obj.linked_form.update();
Answer posted by Stanislav (support) on Oct 22, 2009 05:46
Such error occurs if xml stream is incorrect ( incorrect syntax or encoding problems ) - you can try to load the same URL in separate window of browser, it will provide exta information about reasons of the problem.