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dhtlmxGrid - Column Headers When my grid gets to a certain limit, vertical scrollbars appear on the right as per normal windows behaviour. At this point, it would be really neat if the column headers remained visible whilst the user scrolled up and down the rows. Currently, the entire grid scrolls and you use sight of your column headers. My grid has a To date and a From date in adjacent columns, and it's slightly annoying to have to scroll back up to the top to remember which column contains which date. I've seen (and written in the past) grids that have their column headers in a separate table from the rows such that the scrollbars only scroll the rows of data and leave the column headers fixed. Is this possible in dhtmlxGrid now? If not, is it something that is being considered for a future release? Answer posted on Nov 13, 2007 07:55 It seems that you are using autoHeight mode, where height of grid is adjusted automatically to prevent inner scrolls , if you change grid in normal mode - nearly any sample on this site - grid always use inner scroller instead of global one. In case of inner scroller - grid headers and footers always visible. To have inner scrolls you must not use autoHeight mode ( grid.enableAutoHeight(), or gridHeight="auto" while init from HTML ) If problem still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample where problem can be reconstructed. |