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Dataprocessor stop working I got a grid control defined with a dataprocessor. The grid content change everytime that users change selection on a combobox (common combo, not dhtml). Im using this code to redefine the grid: function BuildGrid(code){ //grid def if (typeof(mygrid) != "undefined"){ mygrid.destructor(); mygrid=new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); } else { mygrid=new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); } mygrid.setEditable(true); mygrid.setImagePath("js/dhtmlx/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/"); mygrid.enableColumnAutoSize(true); mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell",onEditCell); mygrid.setOnLoadingStart(ProgreesBar); mygrid.setOnLoadingEnd(HideProgress); mygrid.loadXML("gethandler.php?areaTB=" + code); //dataprocessor def if (typeof(myDataProcessor) == "undefined") { myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor("savehandler.php?uid=" + new Date().valueOf() + "&areaTB=" + code); myDataProcessor.setUpdateMode("off"); myDataProcessor.setVerificator(3); myDataProcessor.setVerificator(4); myDataProcessor.init(mygrid); } else { myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor("savehandler.php?uid=" + new Date().valueOf() + "&areaTB=" + code); } } the first load, the grid and dataporcessor work without problems, but when the buildgrid function is called again, dataprocessor stop working. Am I missing something? is this the correct way to redefine my grid? I need to use this kind of reload beacuse my grid uses split and footer. Answer posted by Support on Jun 06, 2008 09:57 In case of "split" mode the grid can't be reloaded without recreation - so your code is mostly correct. The second part, which recreates dataprocessor, miss command, which will attach new dataprocessor to the new grid } else { myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor("savehandler.php?uid=" + new Date().valueOf() + "&areaTB=" + code); myDataProcessor.init(mygrid); // this line missed } |