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gridobject.constructor is of type [object] ??? Hello, I have been trying to create a new object (a base ui elememnt) that is composed of several of your components (for example dhtmlxgrid, dhtmlxtoolbar, dhtmlxmenu,...) i.e my code looks something like: function UIElement(newgrid,newtoolbar,newcontextmenu){ this.grid = newgrid; this.toolbar = newtoolbar; this.contextMenu = newcontextmenu; } and a BUNCH of setters(prototype functions) that accesses the public properties(this.grid, this.toolbar, this.contextMeny). one example of these function is: BaseUI.prototype.setContextMenuItemsHandler = function(){ this.contextMenu.setContextMenuHandler(function (menuitemId,grid_Id){ var data=grid_Id.split("_"); //rowInd_colInd var rId = data[0]; var cInd = data[1]; switch(menuitemId){ case "add": this.grid.addRow(new Date().valueOf(),["","","","","","","",""],this.grid.getRowIndex(data[0])); break; case "delete": window.setTimeout("this.grid.deleteRow("+rId+");",2000); break; } }); }; The problem is that whenever i use this.grid to add a new row or undo an edit from a toolbar or contextmenu (function shown above), i get errors saying "this.grid is not defined" BUT all the objects are properly displayed, i.e i can see my grid with loaded data, my toolbar and my contextmenu. Even events i attached to the (this.grid) object is working fine!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I then did a simple test too: I used firebug to output each dhtmlx object (.constructor) i.e console.log("Grid:%s, Toolbar:%s, Menu:%s, Dataprocessor:%s",this.grid.constructor,this.toolbar.constructor,this.contextMenu.constructor); and the output was: Grid:function Object() { [native code] }, Toolbar:function dhtmlXProtobarObject() { return this; }, Menu:function dhtmlXContextMenuObject(width, height, gfxPath, httpsdummy) { = new dhtmlXMenuBarObject(document.body, width, height, "", 1, gfxPath, httpsdummy);"popup");; = this;;; this.aframes = new Array; this.registerFrame(window); return this; } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) How come i am getting this.grid is undefined errors when the grid is actually being displayed using the same (this.grid) public property? 2) why is <some grid object>.constructor returning a type Object instead of dhtmlXGridObject? Please help me out on it a problem with the JS i wrote? or something else i am missing.... Thank you, Answer posted by Support on Aug 04, 2008 01:38 >>1) How come i am getting this.grid is undefined errors >>2) why is <some grid object>.constructor |