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Question  posted by Javed on Sep 07, 2008 09:47
open dhtmlx forum
filterby multiple rows


I want to filter my gris by multiple columns, Name, Location and Country and I have done it like the following;

myGrid.filterBy(1,document.getElementById("searchText").value); //name
myGrid.filterBy(1,document.getElementById("searchText").value, true); //location
myGrid.filterBy(1,document.getElementById("searchText").value, true); // country

where 'searchText' is the id of my text field.

Now when I search by name, it filters but when i try to filter again it does not filter further.

Can you tell me where I have done anyting wrong?

Answer posted by Support on Sep 08, 2008 05:51
>>and I have done it like the following;
The code which you are using is technically correct ( it probably contains a typo, because currently it uses the same value as filter against the same column 3 times )

>>Now when I search by name, it filters but when i try to filter again it does not filter further.
Be sure that first filterBy command in group has not "true" as last parameter ( such command will reset grid to initial state ), or just use code as

mygrid.filterBy(1,""); //will reset grid's state to initial one
myGrid.filterBy(1,document.getElementById("searchText").value, true); //name 
myGrid.filterBy(2,document.getElementById("searchText").value, true); //location 
myGrid.filterBy(3,document.getElementById("searchText").value, true); // country