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Question  posted by Sushil on Sep 05, 2008 08:02
open dhtmlx forum
Get node id when checkbox is selected

I am using the tree with the checkboxes.

tree=new dhtmlXTreeObject("treeboxbox_tree","100%","100%",0);
tree.loadXML('<%=distXml%>', doAfterLoading);

function click() {
// get the id of the node that was clicked, and then figure out if it was selected or de-selected
var id = tree.getSelectedItemId();

When I select the text of a node and then select its checkbox, tree.getSelectedItemId() returns the correct id. But if I select a checkbox without selecting the node, tree.getSelectedItemId() always returns the id of the last selected text item/node. If there is no selected text node, it returns the id of the first node in the tree.

I would like to get the id of a node when I select its checkbox, without selecting its text item.

Please help if you know how I can do this. Your help is very much appreciated.

Answer posted by Support on Sep 05, 2008 08:14
>>I would like to get the id of a node when I select its checkbox
function click(id) { 