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enableLoadingItem for dhtmlxTreeGrid? hi, is there any possibility to show a loading item when opening a node in the treegrid like it is possible for the dhtmlxtree? I tried to write a function and attach it to the onOpenStart event, but this overwrote the opening functionality of the tree... thanks! Answer posted by Support on Sep 05, 2008 06:41 It possible to show any kind of message by usign onOpenStart and onOpenEnd events, but creating an additional HTML element inside a grid is a tricky process. Probably you can show loading in some less problematic way, for example. var temp; grid.attachEvent("onOpenStart",function(id){ temp = grid.getItemText(id); grid.setItemText(id,"Loading..."); return true; }) grid.attachEvent("onOpenEnd",function(id){ grid.setItemText(id,temp); return true; }) |