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Question  posted by roxana aioanei on Sep 05, 2008 03:41
open dhtmlx forum
there is imposibile to see the rows from grid and subgrids header.


I have a grid with subgrids. When a open grid's items from down to up, there is imposibile to see the rows from grid and subgrids header. How can I fix this? 

ps: This is happening ONLY when I open for the first time the grids items from down to up. If I close and reopen them everything is ok.

I would like to send you a print screen if there is possible.

Roxana A 

Answer posted by Support on Sep 05, 2008 03:50

Are you loading subgrids in default way or using custom code for subgrid filling through onSubGridCreated|onSubGridLoaded events?
In second case you need to call 
after filling grid with data, to adjust its sizes

>>I would like to send you a print screen if there is possible.
You can send it directly to

Answer posted by roxana aioanei on Sep 05, 2008 04:05
I am loading subgrids in default way.
Attachments (1)
Answer posted by Support on Sep 05, 2008 05:17
Please try to use attached js files instead of original one. 
Attachments (1)