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Grid messes up table formatting I am attempting to use Grid on a customer's existing site. They want it inside a table formed by the header and footer. Leaving out details: {include file="header.grid.html"} <tr> <TD align="center" valign="top"> <div id="mygrid_container" style="width:600px;height:150px;"></div> </TD> </TR> {include file="footer.html"} The grid causes the footer (which is another row) to align itself in a tiny box on the left margin of the page. If I add any row below the grid, it also is placed in that tiny box. The grid table is displayed in the correct position, but everything after it is mis-sized and mis-aligned. The header starts a table, and the footer ends it. There are no table errors I can see between them. Any ideas? Answer posted by Support on Sep 05, 2008 01:55 The grid doesn't create any HTML content outside grid's container, css styles defined in grid's stylesheet doesn't affect global rules ( all global css rules started from dhx prefix ) You can try to change the existing code as <div id="mygrid_container" style="width:600px;height:150px;overflow:hidden;"></div> If issue still occurs - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where issue can be reconstructed ( you can send it directly to ) |