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Question  posted by Paul Edwards on Sep 04, 2008 19:18
open dhtmlx forum
RE: RE: Unwanted scroll bars appearing on some tabs

I have loaded your sample code and I see that each tab has it's own size.  But this is a simplistic sample.  I have the same .css and .js files loaded in my project and I'm getting different behavior.  My original question included links to the page where I'm getting the unwanted scroll bars.  Does it matter that two of the tabs have content loading from different servers?  One is loading a google map, one some google charts and the third is one of your grid controls being parsed and loaded from a json object.  Is it possible that the dynamic content coming from google is confusing your code?  Is there any way to trigger the tabbar to re-calculate the sizes/scroll bars after all the loading is complete?
Answer posted by Support on Sep 05, 2008 04:07
To resolve problem in your app , next need to be done

<div id="tendencies" style="width: 800px; height: 400px">
  changed to
<div id="tendencies" style="width: 800px; height: 400px" class="dhx_tabcontent_sub_zone">  

<div id="overviewholder">  
  changed to
<div id="overviewholder" class="dhx_tabcontent_sub_zone">  

<div id="gridholder">  
  changed to
<div id="gridholder" class="dhx_tabcontent_sub_zone">  

<div id="map" style="width: 865px; height: 480px">
  changed to
<div id="map" style="width: 865px; height: 480px" class="dhx_tabcontent_sub_zone">  

Problem caused by the way of tabbar init and not related to content loaded inside tabs. 

Answer posted by Paul Edwards on Sep 05, 2008 14:43
That did the trick perfectly.  Thank you for taking the time to examine my code and help me troubleshoot!