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AJAx elements are shown behind tab menu in FF3 and Opera 9.5 Before FF3 released I had several applications using tabs. In many cases inside a tab I had ajax elements calling other divs outside tab, so, the div was shown in the frontend ante the tab menu behind it. Now at days with FF3 and Opera 9.5 , the div elements called by the ajax inside the tab are shown behind the tabs menu. I mean, this is a code example. <a name='tabs' id='tabs'> </a> <div id="a_tabbar" style="width:570;height:500"></div> <script> tabbar=new dhtmlXTabBar("a_tabbar","top"); tabbar.setImagePath("/codebase/imgs/"); tabbar.setHrefMode("ajax-html"); tabbar.setSkinColors("#FFFFFF","#8EB69F"); tabbar.addTab("a1","Items","100px"); tabbar.addTab("a2","Payments","100px"); tabbar.addTab("a3","Logs","100px"); tabbar.setContentHref("a1","admin.cgi?var=items"); tabbar.setContentHref("a2","admin.cgi?var=payments"); tabbar.setContentHref("a3","admin.cgi?var=logs"); tabbar.setTabActive("a1"); </script> When user see whatever tab, inside of it could it be an ajax call to another div that it's shown in the tabs div. With FF2 it works excellent, but with the release of FF3 and also in Opera 9.5 , the content of the element shown if I drag it, when it comes to the tab menu, pass behind and not in front of it, just like the layer of the tab menu were in the front and the content of the element I'm draging just desapears. This effect is only with the tab menu, not with the tab content. Answer posted by Support on Sep 12, 2008 10:24 We will investigate and fix issue. As fast solution, please try to add next line to the init code. tabbar.enableForceHiding(true); |