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Question  posted by Iraklis on Aug 13, 2007 13:41
open dhtmlx forum
Combo hasn't displayed in html

I have an issue.

I wrote this page (example down), but when I want to select an option of a combo, it doesn't display... please... any suggest?

I suppose the reason is the lot of div's in page... 'cause the coe works in an external html (formed only for grid display purpose only).




<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="dhtmlxGrid/css/dhtmlXGrid.css">
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="dhtmlxGrid/css/dhtmlXGrid_skins.css">


<script src="dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXCommon.js"></script>
<script src="dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGrid.js"></script>        
<script src="dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGridCell.js"></script>
<script src="dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGrid_excell_link.js"></script>
<script src="dhtmlxGrid/js/dhtmlXGrid_drag.js"></script>







<div class='cuerpo'>

<div id="gridbox" style="width:740px;height:390px"></div>

    function reload(){
    function doOnCellEdit(stage,rowId,cellInd,nvalor,ovalor){
         var col,idinc;
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
                if(ovalor != nvalor){
                     idinc = mygrid.cells(rowId,0).getValue();
                        case 2:
                            col = "Tipo";
                        case 6:
                            col = "Usuario";
                    var Ajaxc = new Ajax.Updater('cambio_ajax', 'cambia_incidencia.php?Id='+idinc+'&Col='+col+'&Val='+nvalor);
                return true;
    mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
    // or
    //mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject();
    mygrid.imgURL = "dhtmlxGrid/imgs/";
    mygrid.setHeader("Incidencia,!,Tipo,Fecha Entrada,Motivo,Estado,Usuario,#cspan,IP");
    var combobox = mygrid.getCombo(2);
combobox.put('NO SABE','NO SABE');
var combobox1 = mygrid.getCombo(6);


<div id='incidencia_box' style='position:absolute; background-color:#29C2DE; color:black; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; z-index:10; text-align:left; padding: 5px; visibility:hidden; -moz-opacity:0.95; filter:alpha(opacity=95)'>


Answer posted on Aug 13, 2007 14:07
I think the problem caused by z-Index conflict, the options list shown, but it shown below some other absolute positioned elements. You can increase z-Index of option popup in next way

Locate in dhtmlxgrid.css file next style definition.
and add to it
    z-index:999; // or some other big value
Answer posted by sematik (Support) on Dec 09, 2014 21:20

To find more precise comments upon this issue, we can offer you read about php load xml from url and web form creation.