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RE: Validating the element which is opened while editing a cell Hi, Thanks for your response. I have tried the same thing in my code also. Its working. Again thanks for your great help. The important thing which I forgot to furnish in my last post is, Is it possible to get the handle/instance of the text area element to retain the focus on it till user enters alteast one character in the text area? Also, I want to restrict the number of characters entered in the text area. So I think it would be great for me, if the instance of the text area is available in while the text area losses its focus/ wwhen TAB key is pressed. Can we get the textarea instance in the following block. if ((stage==2)&&(newValue=="")) {//if editor is closed and newValue is empty alert("value is empty"); } }
Answer posted by dhxSupport on Feb 27, 2009 04:35 You can use the following code: function doOnEditCell(stage,rowId,cellInd,newValue,oldValue){ window.setTimeout(function(){ mygrid.selectCell(mygrid.getRowIndex(rowId),cellInd); mygrid.editCell(); },1); } return true; } |