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grid paging expands grid width and hides scrollbar Hi there, I have just come across a strange issue. I have a grid that I wanted to add paging to. I added paging and everything works great. Then I add this line of code: myGrid.setPagingSkin("bricks"); All of a sudden, the grid width seems to expand and my scrollbar becomes half-hidden behind my layout border. Everything was sized exactly correctly before - something about that call makes the grid get wider though. It's very strange. I took screen shots but I don't see a way to attach them. I can email them to someone if you send an email address. I'm using a ton of components and don't want to copy and paste my whole code sample. Here is just the grid portion. If you need the rest please let me know. // Build Grid myGrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); myGrid.setSkin("light"); myGrid.setImagePath("/dhtmlx/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/"); myGrid.enableDragAndDrop(true); myGrid.enableMultiselect(true) myGrid.setDragText("Contact"); myGrid.enablePaging(true,20,3,"pagingArea",true); myGrid.setPagingSkin("bricks"); myGrid.attachEvent("onRowDblClicked", doOnRowDoubleClicked); myGrid.attachEvent("onDrag", doOnDragGrid); myGrid.attachEvent("onDragIn", doOnDragInGrid); myGrid.init(); myGrid.loadXML("/xmlgen/cm_table.php?user_id={$user->user_id}&view_id=" + view_id); Thank you in advance! Rachel Answer posted by dhxSupport on Mar 13, 2009 04:53 Please provide sample where this issue occurs including file which you are using to initialize grid at the |