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Groupby causing problem with int sorting Hello Support, I am using the following code for displaying cpu and memory stats in grid. Usually int column sorting works for me. But since I have used groupby - it's not working. what needs to change? Please advise. mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); mygrid.setImagePath("dhtmlxgrid/codebase/imgs/"); mygrid.selMultiRows = true; mygrid.setHeader("TX,Type,Avail,%CPU,%Mem"); mygrid.setInitWidths("50,50,50,50,55"); mygrid.setColAlign("center,center,center,left,left"); //mygrid.setColTypes("ro,colorcells"); mygrid.setColTypes("ro,ro,ro,ro,ro"); mygrid.setColSorting("server,server,server,server,server"); mygrid.setColSorting("str,str,int,int,int"); mygrid.enableRowsHover(true,'grid_hover'); mygrid.setSkin("light"); mygrid.init(); mygrid.groupBy(1); mygrid.setColumnHidden(1,true); mygrid.loadXML("getinfo.asp") Answer posted by dhxSupport on May 04, 2009 01:21 Sorting should works well with grouping functionality. If grid sorted by column , by which grid grouped - order of groups changed If grid sorted by any other columns - the order of groups not changed, but rows in groups sorted in necessary order Answer posted on May 04, 2009 09:49 Thanks for the response. Is it possible that the image that is included along with the number in the same cell is causing the problem? Is there any alternative method? - I need to show both the (green/red) gif and the numeric value. Here is the snippet of asp code if (rs("per_cpuload") >= 0) and (rs("per_cpuload") < 60) then Thanks very much! skm Answer posted by Alex (support) on May 05, 2009 02:44 Hello, Yes, the issue is caused by using images in the cell. How does sorting work in grid ? - grid compares pairs of values that the getValue method returns. getValue of ro excell (all columns in your grid have this type) returns the inner html of the cell - the image tag too. There are the following methods. You can choose one of them: 1) dyn excell instead of ro - down up arrows will be shown automatically: 2) creating custom excell. Please, see teh article in the package dhtmlxGrid/doc/articles/Custom_excell_creation.html 3) setting custom sorting function: dhtmlxGrid/doc/articles/Sorting_in_grid.html Answer posted on May 05, 2009 10:23 Thanks for the quick reply. |