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Incorrect XML error - PHP generated XML page I made a PHP page to dynamically generate an XML page for my dHTMLxTree app. It's pulling data from a different server, so the .php file that I'm calling is on a different physical server. The call to the XML file is: tree1.loadXML("",function(){tree1.loadOpenStates()}); The PHP file contains the following: <?php if ( stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],"application/xhtml+xml") ) { header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml"); } else { header("Content-type: text/xml"); } echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n"); $connect=mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass"); if(!$connect) die("Couldn't connect to MySQL Server"); $result=mysql_select_db("database") or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL Database <!-- ".mysql_error()." -->"); ?> <tree id="0"> <? $query = "select * from products where (productfor=1 or productfor=0) and status=1 and state<>4"; $dps = mysql_query("$query and type='1' and prodid<>36 and prodid<>175 and prodid<>109 and prodid<>156 and prodid<>134 and prodid<>165 and prodid<>260 and prodid<>265 order by disOrder desc"); if ($dp = mysql_fetch_array($dps)) { ?> <item text="Product Type 1" id="prod1" im0="group_16.gif" im1="open_16.gif" im2="foldr_16.gif" tooltip="Product Type 1"> <userdata name="myurl">/cart.php?type=1</userdata> <? do { ?> <item text="<? echo $dp['prodname']; ?>" id="<? echo $dp['prodid']; ?>" im0="group_16.gif" tooltip="<? echo $dp['prodname']; ?>"> <userdata name="myurl">/cart.php?prodid=<? echo $dp['prodid']; ?></userdata> </item> <? } while ($dp = mysql_fetch_array($dps)); ?> </item> <? } $cmls = mysql_query("$query and (prodid=36 or prodid=175 or prodid=109 or prodid=134 or prodid=156 or prodid=165 or prodid=260 or prodid=265) order by disOrder desc"); if ($cml = mysql_fetch_array($cmls)) { ?> <item text="Product Type 2" id="prod2" im0="group_16.gif" im1="open_16.gif" im2="foldr_16.gif" tooltip="Product Type 2"> <userdata name="myurl">/cart.php?type=2</userdata> <? do { ?> <item text="<? echo $cml['prodname']; ?>" id="<? echo $cml['prodid']; ?>" im0="group_16.gif" tooltip="<? echo $cml['prodname']; ?>"> <userdata name="myurl">/cart.php?prodid=<? echo $cml['prodid']; ?></userdata> </item> <? } while ($cml = mysql_fetch_array($cmls)); ?> </item> <? } $mats = "select * from products where (productfor=1 or productfor=0) and status=1 and state<>4"; $materials = mysql_query("$query and type='0' order by disOrder desc"); if ($mat = mysql_fetch_array($materials)) { ?> <item text="Product Type 3" id="prod3" im0="group_16.gif" im1="open_16.gif" im2="foldr_16.gif" tooltip="Product Type 3"> <userdata name="myurl">/cart.php?type=3</userdata> <? do { ?> <item text="<? echo htmlspecialchars($mat['prodname']); ?>" id="<? echo $mat['prodid']; ?>" im0="group_16.gif" tooltip="<? echo htmlspecialchars($mat['prodname']); ?>"> <userdata name="myurl">/cart.php?prodid=<? echo $mat['prodid']; ?></userdata> </item> <? } while ($mat = mysql_fetch_array($materials)); ?> </item> <? } ?> </tree> Now whenever I try to load the page it comes up with alert boxes saying: Error Type: LoadXML Description: Incorrect XML and then... Error Type: DataStructure Description: XML reffers to not existing parent I'm having a really tough time getting this to work...the XML file seems to be created fine, so why are these errors coming up? Answer posted by Support on May 22, 2009 03:21 Both html page and xml file must be loaded from the same server, browser doesn't allow to operate with data from server different from the server of master html page. ( cross domain security ) In case, when data loaded from the same server, the most common issues for incorrect XML error - incorrect content type ( you can try to always use Content-type:text/xml ) - whitespaces before starting <?xml declaration ( FF specific ) |