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Hi, I had post this question at '' but no getting reply. So, I try to post again as new question.
in dhtmlxGrid.js locate next string
and replace "2" with code of button which necessary in your case
After do some testing, I found that the 'Left Button' Click event was '1', 'Right Button' click event was '2' and 'Scoll Button' Click event was '4', right?
I had try to change the syntax from (ev.button==2) to (ev.button==1) or (ev.button==4), the program will enter the 'if (this._ctmndx){' block code, but the Context Menu was not show/pop up for (ev.button==1) or (ev.button==4) when I click 'Left Button' or 'Scoll Button'. When I change the back (ev.button==2), the ContextMenu will show/pop up when I click 'Right Button'.
Futher, should I put 'grid.enableEditEvents(true,false,false);' or 'grid.enableLightMouseNavigation(true);' to handle single click event? I had try to put either this two line code but it still not working. Any suggestion?
I had another Question, in the dhtmlxGrid, can I disable/set read only to each row? eg. When the Grid finish loaded, I will have 5 empty row with 3 column, I need to enable first row and disable the bottom 4 row. When I finish fill the text for 1st row, then 2nd row will be enable but 3rd, 4th and 5th row still disable. When I finish fill 2nd row, 3rd row will be enable...etc. I try to use mygrid.enableEditEvents(false,false,false);, but all row will disbled. Please help!
Answer posted on Jul 09, 2007 11:09 The solution proposed in inital anser ( at least it worked locally, but based on your dhtmlxMenu version you probably need to create one more modification. In dhtmlxMenu.js dhtmlXContextMenuObject.prototype._contextStart=function(obj,e){ ... if ((!e)||(e.button!=2)) This line need to be replaced with if ((!e)||(e.button!=1)) If problem still occurs for you - please contact directly at and provide your customer number - I will send you working sample. Answer posted by radyno (Support) on Nov 30, 2014 03:00 To find more precise comments upon this issue, we can offer you read about the events calendar wordpress and html5 menu. |