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Question  posted on Mar 05, 2007 10:34
open dhtmlx forum
Can we find a way to support adding "buttons" for opening popups within the Grid (specifically calendar po...

Can we find a way to support adding "buttons" for opening popups within the Grid (specifically calendar popup and other dialogs- current mockups shown a "..." button for example)? It may be OK to add the "button" in a separate column, if that's necessary. We'd need to be able to write the value back to the cell in the grid.
Answer posted on Mar 05, 2007 10:34
You can create your own eXcells (extended cell editors) with any functionality you need. For more details see">
Answer posted by radyno (Support) on Nov 30, 2014 23:07

If you haven't found the needed information there and still looking for a solution, you will find the additional help checking gant char and mobile apps html5.