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Question  posted on Mar 05, 2007 10:12
open dhtmlx forum
While experimenting with the wbut eXcell, I saw that in the update command of the invoice_list.html, the...

While experimenting with the wbut eXcell, I saw that in the update command of the invoice_list.html, there is the command "opener.activeCell.setValue(value);". As I need to update several values when using this, it would be necessary to assign the activerow and then write the values.

What do I need to change in order to have the reference to the row at the myFunction call?

How can I assign a value to a specific cell in the selected row? So, let's say, I need the invoice number in the first column and the invoice total in the 3rd?
Answer posted on Mar 05, 2007 10:13

"wbut" eXcell was designed for changing only one cell value, so it requires using of private functionality:

            var row_id=opener.activeCell.cell.parentNode.idd;

Now you can set value for any column in this row by:

            opener.mygrid.cells(row_id,0).setValue("First column");

            opener.mygrid.cells(row_id,1).setValue("Second column");

> How can I assign a value to a specific cell in the selected row?


Answer posted by radyno (Support) on Nov 30, 2014 19:10

Having solved the problem mentioned above, you may also look through the possible related problems with java script date picker and html editable dropdown.