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Question  posted by Matthew MacGibbon on Apr 28, 2009 06:30
open dhtmlx forum
TabBar Events: looking for an unload tab

Im using the javascript to build the tabs (addTab, setContent)

When a user clicks on another tab, i know the tab they went to, but not the tab they came from. I need to do certain actions if a user leaves certain tabs, but right now, i dont see a way to do this.

Is there any plan to put in an event like an "onUnloadTab" or a function getLastActiveTab() so that I could programatically do this?

Thanks in advance.
Answer posted by dhxSupport on Apr 28, 2009 07:26
Current version of dhtmlxTabbar doesn't support such functionality. We plan to include such functionality to the next dhtmlxTabbar version. 
Answer posted by Support on Apr 28, 2009 14:07
>> I need to do certain actions if a user leaves certain tabs, but right now
onSelect event ( setOnSelectHandler in older versions ) provides IDs of both tab which set as active ( first parameter ) and tab which was active previously ( second parameter ) - so you can use this event to attach any kind of custom reaction on tab unloading.