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include a JSP to xml in tabbar Hi, I'm trying to include a JSP page of the form: "xml version = '1 .0 '?>" + "<tabbar>" + "<row>" + "<tab id='b1' selected='1'> PEOPLE" + "<content>" + "[CDATA [" + "<jsp:include flush='true' page='http://localhost:8484/MenusAction/inicio.jsp'> </ jsp: include>" + "<img src='http://localhost:8484/MenusAction/js/dhtmlx/common/images/books_open.gif'>" + "<input type=submit value='pintar boton'>" + "<% @ Include file = 'http://localhost:8484/MenusAction/index.jsp'>" + "]]>" + "</ content>" + "</ tab>" + "</ row>" + "</ tabbar>"; This xml is formed from a java class and try to include inicio.jsp page in the content of this tab, but it plays well. What is the problem? Thank you. A greeting. Answer posted by Alex (support) on Oct 26, 2009 05:19 jsp is server-side. So, you can not include it by loading content from xml. The following will work: "xml version = '1 .0 '?>" + <jsp:include flush='true' page='http://localhost:8484/MenusAction/inicio.jsp'> </ jsp: include>" + Or you can use a simple html initialization |