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Question  posted on Mar 14, 2007 14:55
open dhtmlx forum
It's not obvious how I write back changes to the server. How does this work? (We are running Ruby on Rails ...

It's not obvious how I write back changes to the server. How does this work? (We are running Ruby on Rails on our server, not PHP)
Answer posted on Mar 14, 2007 14:56

dhtmlxGrid has two ways of saving data:

 a) By using dataProcessor library, this way for each action in tree (adding/deleting/editing) related event handler generates AJAX call to server side. The guide describes which vars are sent to server for each type of call. You only need to implement the correct DB updates for specified AJAX calls.


In case of Rails framework adapting dataprocessor can be a complex task, because naming convention used for data saving is working with common kinds of URLs. Attached file demonstrates custom server side code, it is still PHP - but it has a lot of comments.

b) By serialization. dhtmlxGrid can be serialized back to XML and sent to server (sending routine is not implemented in grid and must be implemented manually), where XML can be parsed, data extracted and DB updated.

 We have an experimental version of third solution - form integration, grid integrates in surrounding <form> tag and include all ( changed ) values in form scope on submit

Answer posted by Stanislav (Support) on Dec 02, 2014 09:48

Having solved the problem mentioned above, you may also look through the possible related problems with event agenda template and dhtml table.