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Question  posted on Feb 27, 2007 19:34
open dhtmlx forum
Is it possible to put a "Please wait" or something on the grid when it reads the .xml file ? mygrid.loadXM...

Is it possible to put a "Please wait" or something on the grid when it reads the .xml file ?
I have done a server based generation of the xml file and it may take some time before it return the xml file.
Answer posted on Feb 27, 2007 19:34

Use setOnLoadingStart(func) & setOnLoadingEnd(func) methods to set event handlers in grid which should turn on/off your message. Both methods are available in Professional Edition only.

Answer posted by radyno (Support) on Dec 02, 2014 11:14

If you haven't found the needed information there and still looking for a solution, you will find the additional help checking java script for calendar and web ui controls.