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Grid linked to tree locking up I set up one column as a tree in my grid. It works fine the first time but if I reload the grid the nodes still open up but double clicking on an item does nothing. I have tried several variations of code. The only way I have got it to work is if I don't initialze the grid each time but just do a loadXmlString(). The issue with that is I'm using splitAt so when I refresh I get extra rows of column headers each time I refresh. I include the column info on the load so the grid is reset in the origional order to lload the row data and then I use the loadOrderFromCookie(). --------------------- function loadGrid(treeString, gridString) { if (!treeLoaded) { tree = new dhtmlXTreeObject(treebox, "100%", "100%", 0); tree.setImagePath("dhtmlx/dhtmlxTree/codebase/imgs/"); tree.loadXMLString(treeString, function() { mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('masterlist'); mygrid.setImagePath("dhtmlx/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/"); mygrid.setSkin("gray"); mygrid.enableSmartRendering(true, 50); mygrid.enableEditEvents(true, true, true); mygrid.attachEvent("onMouseOver", doOnRowSelect); mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", doCellChanged); mygrid.attachEvent("onRightClick", distributeSelected); mygrid.setDateFormat("m-d-y"); mygrid.enableColumnMove(true); mygrid.enableSortingSaving(); mygrid.enableOrderSaving(); mygrid.enableAutoSizeSaving(); mygrid.attachEvent("onAfterCMove", function(a, b) { colId = mygrid.getColIndexById("Security_Cd"); mygrid.setSubTree(tree, colId, 0); return true; }); mygrid.setSubTree(tree, 4, 0); mygrid.init(); mygrid.splitAt(2); }); } else { mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('masterlist'); mygrid.setImagePath("dhtmlx/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/"); mygrid.setSkin("gray"); mygrid.enableSmartRendering(true, 50); mygrid.enableEditEvents(true, true, true); mygrid.attachEvent("onMouseOver", doOnRowSelect); mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", doCellChanged); mygrid.attachEvent("onRightClick", distributeSelected); mygrid.setDateFormat("m-d-y"); mygrid.enableColumnMove(true); mygrid.enableSortingSaving(); mygrid.enableOrderSaving(); mygrid.enableAutoSizeSaving(); mygrid.attachEvent("onAfterCMove", function(a, b) { colId = mygrid.getColIndexById("Security_Cd"); mygrid.setSubTree(tree, colId, 0); return true; }); mygrid.setSubTree(tree, 4, 0); mygrid.init(); mygrid.splitAt(2); } //after else mygrid.loadXMLString(gridString, function() { mygrid.loadOrderFromCookie(); //mygrid.loadSortingFromCookie(); mygrid.loadSizeFromCookie(); }); mygrid.setColSorting("str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,na,str,date,date,str,date,str,str"); dataChanged = false; } Answer posted by Support on Dec 12, 2008 02:24 Problem confirmed - please try to use attached js file instead of original one. >>'m using splitAt so when I refresh I get extra rows of column headers each time I refresh If you will load only data part of grid ( without head section ) - grid will be correctly loaded even in splitAt mode. If head section exists , it results in full re-configuration, which produce not necessary header lines. Attachments (1)