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Question  posted by mount on Nov 16, 2009 11:11
open dhtmlx forum
disable debug mode in dataProcessor

Working with dhtmlxscheduler the dataProcessor debug window opens automatically in every action (create, delete, double click in a cell, etc).
But, as far as I can see, there is no error, only information about the action.
¿Can this debug mode be disabled?


My code:

init = function() {

scheduler.config.xml_date="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";


var dp = new dataProcessor("davical/data.php");

Answer posted by Stanislav (support) on Nov 17, 2009 01:55
You can switch to dhtmlxscheduler.js , which has not debug code, and will not show any unwanted debug info. 
If by some reason you need to use debug version, you can hide console as 

dp.init(scheduler); = -1; //be sure to remove this line after switching to dhtmlxscheduler.js
Answer posted by mount on Nov 18, 2009 02:02 = -1; did the trick in the onload event, but when other events where fired (new event, delete, ecc) the debug window appears again.

I use de debug version because I need a non compressed version of the code. The reason is the arquitecture of the site: there is a div that contains the menu bar, and a div where the code of the selected page is inserted.
So the javascript code must be writen in the var xxx = function() {} mode, and not as function xxx() {}. So I have to make a few changes:
line 34 funtion dtmlXMLLoaderObject(funcObject, dhtmlObject, async, rSeed) to dtmlXMLLoaderObject = function(...)
line 858 function dataProcessor(serverProcessorURL) to dataProcessor = function(...)

¿Is there an uncompressed version of  dhtmlxscheduler.js available?

Answer posted by Stanislav (support) on Nov 18, 2009 02:09
In debug code, locate the next line
         dataProcessor.prototype._o_init = dataProcessor.prototype.init;
and delete all code from it , till next line
         if (window.dhtmlXGridObject){

This part of code is responsible for debug output and can be safely removed from the js file. 
Answer posted by mount on Nov 18, 2009 06:40
Thanks for the answer. = "hidden";
did also the trick.

I've found that when printing, the print page shows only my question and first two answers, not the third. I'm using firefox.