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Question  posted by Rohin on Mar 18, 2009 23:16
open dhtmlx forum
Dhtmlx Layout dynamic content


I am using a dhtmlx layout 3L. Cell 'A' has a tree, Cell 'B' has a grid, Cell 'C' has a toolbar . On click of an item in the tool bar a form is displayed in Cell 'C'. To attach to Cell 'C' at first we used AttachObject function. The issue is once it is done and we navigate to any other node and attach the object again it gives an error saying object expected. We then tried attachURL which would mean a new page and now things work fine.

What we want to understand is Does AttachURL use iframe to attach to cell C? it will help us in our server side coding
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 19, 2009 07:11
You can also try to use the following approach to  attach the  objects dynamically. 

For example there are two objects:

<div id="m1" style="display:none;" >...</div>
<div id="m2" style="display:none;">...</div>


Before attaching "m2" you can move the object "m1" to the body:



>> What we want to understand is Does AttachURL use iframe to attach to cell C?

If attachURL is called without true as the second parameter, the iframe will be used. If the second parameter is true, the content is loaded by Ajax (without iframe).