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Question  posted by Niall McConnell on Sep 24, 2009 06:24
open dhtmlx forum
Layout with resizing to fit parent/container

Following up on a previous enquiry - posted by Max on Jul 14, 2009 23:16 - DHTMLX Layout resizing

Can the layout container now resize as its containing object does? eg: if a layout can adjust/resize when the browser itself is resized (not only when the layout is in full size mode). Also, can the browser scroll once a layout container goes past the boundaries of the page (cant see that at the mo). You mentioned that it would be within the next update (August)? Is it or has the update been released.

Thanks in advance.
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Nov 02, 2009 07:52


sorry the post was missing. But probably this answer will be still useful. 

Layout doesn't set  onresize handler to body. You can set it and call setSizes() method to update  layout sizes.

Regarding scrolls - scrolls aren't disabled by layout itself. But the "full screen" demo in the package contains overflow: hidden; for body. If you meant that, please remove this property to solve the issue.