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Question  posted by Mario Granados on Jul 09, 2009 16:25
open dhtmlx forum
Custom Tab with non-scheduler view

Hi there!
I'm still experimenting with the scheduler, and even it's the first version it can do awesome things, but the last one I need it's my question.

how can I create a tab to direct me to a page where I put search fields, like a range of dates, and then load the scheduler with the search criteria,

or in other words

It is posible to redirect to a blank/custom page when I click on a custom tab, but without losing the tab menu?

Thanks for the atention.
Answer posted by Support on Jul 10, 2009 02:32
You can add new tab to the view, simple by adding new div element as

<div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="day_tab" style="right:204px;"></div>
<div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="week_tab" style="right:140px;"></div>
<div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="custom_tab" style="right:280px;"></div>
<div class="dhx_cal_tab" name="month_tab" style="right:76px;"></div>

In current version, the only way to catch the tab selection - create a wrapper for the setCurrentView method ( which is called , each time when tab selected ) 
Oncoming update will provide ability to catch the tab selection moment without code modification and also provide an easy way to show custom modal dialogs, unfortunately related sample and documentation is still not ready.