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Question  posted by ole aasen on Jul 04, 2008 03:13
open dhtmlx forum
Left calendar in double version lose focus


I have a problem, the left calendar in the dhtmlxDblCalendarObject lose focus when setting dates with setDate function.

With lose focus I mean that it shows the same month as the right calendar. This obviveously only happens when frondate and todate happens to be in a different month.

What am I doing wrong?

Answer posted by Support on Jul 09, 2008 09:15
Unfortunately the issue can't be reconstructed locally , if you are using
set dates for both left and right parts correctly.

There was in issue with old version of dhtmlxcalendar, which can set incorrect active zone after such command, but current version available at works correctly.

If problem still occurs for you - please send any kind of sample, where issue can be reconstructed to