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Question  posted by Daniel on May 15, 2008 21:16
open dhtmlx forum
Calendar disply problem

Hi team,
I have two <input> date fields which I am initializing as xCalendar as follows:
var cal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject('has_auction_startDateId', true,{isYearEditable: true,isMonthEditable:true});    

(1) When I click on the input text field the calendar window shows up but the numbers are drifted to the right and off the edge of the calendar window.
(2) The calendar window will obscure behind a fields beside the <input>
(3) How can we trigger the Calendar to show up only on dbl click? This t allo wthe user to try to enter a free tex in the field?

Answer posted by Support on May 16, 2008 02:45

>>(1) When I click on the input text field the calendar window shows up but the numbers are drifted to the right

Most probably issue caused by css clasing. If problem still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample, where it can be reconstructed. ( you can send it directly to )

>>(2) The calendar window will obscure behind a fields beside the <input>

Problem cause by used z-Index, you can ajdust it ( set to some bigger value ) in dhtmlxcalendar.css

>>(3) How can we trigger the Calendar to show up only on dbl click?

Only by code modification
dhtmlxcalendar.js , line 528
this.con.onclick = function () {
           if (self.isVisible())
you can replace onclick with ondblclick in this line