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Question  posted by Alvin on May 27, 2009 05:35
open dhtmlx forum
Schedule Vertical Scale


Does the calendar support blocks of 10 or 15 minutes on the vertical scale - instead of the default one hour blocks? Can that be set through some configuration setting?

Thank you.
Answer posted by Alex (support) on May 27, 2009 08:27


unfortunately currently, it isn't possible to change the vetical scale. 

But scheduler allows to define events taking into considaration minute intervals:

- click on the necessary hour block

- using mouse moving (up/down) you can change the minute interval.

Answer posted by Support on May 29, 2009 03:00
Also, it possible to increase a height of one-hour block ( so in case of height doubling it will have still only one hour label, but will hold 4 colored bars - each for 15 minutes instead of default 30 )