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Question  posted by D. Koper on Jul 18, 2009 11:19
open dhtmlx forum
Calendar positioning and year select

Dear Team,

I've positioned a calendar (latest version of your component) on my site through a div. The background of the calendar is positioned correctly but the dates, etc, are not.

In my website's stylesheet I use some 'reset browser tags', but even when I disable that the calendar doesn't show correctly.

I tried a solution from this Knowledge Base:

.dhtmlxcalendar table {
margin: auto;

But this doesn't work either.

How can I style a div container for the calendar to show correctly?

Another issue, which I think is related to this problem, is when I try to select a year with the dropdown, I can only click the dropdown once. When I hit the scroll down/up button the select list closes.

The last issue only occurs in IE8.

Could you please help me?

Best regards,

D. Koper
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Jul 20, 2009 02:15


please provide the sample to reproduce the issue