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Question  posted by Joe on Jun 24, 2009 12:37
open dhtmlx forum
Mouse prevents redraw of calendar when using calendar's built in dropdowns:


I apologize if this has been asked before.

I have a dhxCalendar component binded to a input field. Whenever I select the month or year using the component's dropdowns, the dropdown grays out, and the calendar does not redraw. This gives the impression that the calendar has frozen. The calendar remains this way until the mouse is moved off of it. As soon as the mouse is moved off of the calendar, the calendar refreshes with the proper selection (month or year) and everything is good.

So my question is this, is there a way to have the calendar redraw as soon as a year or month is selected from the dropdowns? It would be beneficial to not have to wait until the user moves the mouse.

Answer posted by Alex (support) on Jun 25, 2009 02:38


the issue wasn't reproduced locally - the sample is attached.

If the problem isn't solved, please provide the sample that demonstrates the problem

Attachments (1)