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Question  posted by wasi on May 12, 2009 07:37
open dhtmlx forum
"new_value" attribute in dhtmlxCombo


If a new value is submitted through a dhtmlxCombo the "new_value" attribute is set true. If the form must be submitted again and I set the new value as default value for the dhtmlxCombo (setComboText; setComboValue) the "new_value" attribute is then false.
As it is still a "new_value" thought being submitted twice that attribute doesn't work when I want to use default values.

Do you have any approach? Thanks.
Answer posted by Alex (support) on May 13, 2009 01:19


new_value = true means that the value inside combo input is not presented in combo options. 

If new_value = false, the value is selected from existent options. 

So, if you set default value ( this value is contains in combo list), this parameter will be false.