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dhtmlxtoolbar attach to a specific tab need it asap. hi, we are using dhtmlx2.0 licensed How to attach dhtmltoolbar to a specific tab For example (DHX DB Admin sample site) When ever you select any table (employees), a new tab is creating and which will have its own toolbar, i try to find an example about it. but i couldnt find, can you send me steps how to implement toolbar to a specific tab. regards rahul. Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 24, 2009 04:45 Hello, You can use attachToolbar() method. But the libraries of dhtmlxwindows and dhtmlxtabbar_wins.js must be also included: tabbar.cells(tabId).attachToolbar(); Unfortunately, we don't have a ready sample. Answer posted by Rahul on Mar 24, 2009 05:42 Hi, I did that but its not working what js files do i need to include for that ? Answer posted by Rahul on Mar 24, 2009 05:57 webBar = parent.dhxTabbar.cells("TelephoneLines").attachToolbar(); webBar.loadXML("../dhtmlxtoolbar.xml?etc="+new Date().getTime()); webBar.attachEvent("onClick",function(id){ switch(id){ case "1": alert("Not Implemented!"); break; case "2": alert("option 2!"); break; case "3": alert("option 3!"); break; case "4": alert("option 4!"); break; } } ); for this code i am getting the following error this._cells is undefined this.tabbar.adjustOuterSize();[1])}}};this.dhx_Event();return this}; in dhtmlxwindows.js (line 86) can you find a solution for this asap Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 24, 2009 07:58 Sorry for the misleading inforamtion. The provided approach can be used if tabbar is inside layout. If the tabbar is not placed inside layout, the correct code is: var wins = new dhtmlXWindows(); var toolbar = tabbar._cells(wins,"TelephoneLines").attachToolbar(); Please, check that dhtmlxwindows_wtb.js is included. This file is necessary for window and toolbar implementation. Also dhtmlxtabbar_wins.js (the tabbar extension) is necessary. Answer posted by Rahul on Mar 24, 2009 10:33 Still i am getting the same Error this._cells is undefined this.tabbar.adjustOuterSize();[1])}}};this.dhx_Event();return this}; at dhtmlxwindows.js (line 86) Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 25, 2009 03:30 Please, take a look at the attached sample. Also you can use a simple way to toolbar initialzation: You can just place the toolbar container into the necessary tab and call toolbar intialization code. Attachments (1)