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Question  posted on Jun 14, 2007 14:47
open dhtmlx forum
tree node is not clickable/expandable

I have a very simple tree which is displayed correctly, clickable and expandable on a jsp page...
But when I insert the tree within a popup page, the tree is not clickable or expandable...
I'm not sure what's the different between the jsp page and popup page, and what prevents the tree from being accessed or updated. Could you please give me some hints as to where to look for the problem...
Answer posted on Jun 14, 2007 15:47
Do you use native popups or some kind of jsLib which create a pseudo pop-ups?
If you are use the same code inside normal page or inside popup page - there must be no difference, but many of pseudo-popups libs use copying content by innerHTML, as result, the component in such pseudo-popup can look normal but all javascript functionality in it - broken.
Answer posted by Embre (Support) on Dec 01, 2014 07:39

Having solved the problem mentioned above, you may also look through the possible related problems with website templates free and javascript ajax download.